What's in a name?

People. Memories. Character. Integrity. Effort. Passion. Pride. Humility. Dependability. Putting others first. Constantly seeking to improve who we are. Pete Ragan and Sid Smith instilled these values. That's what’s in our name.
It’s who we are.

We take the work seriously.
Ourselves...not so much.

Here at RaganSmith we work hard, but we have fun too. We always say that the best part of RaganSmith is our people, and we mean it. We are a family, and while we get things done, we also make time for company events, happy hours, outings, and lots of laughs every day. We are one. We take great pride in our craftsmanship and we do it together as team. One group. One company. One team. One family.
We are the best at what we do because we love who we are.
our culture

The rest is history.
In 1933 two young fellas, William Parrish and William Blanchard, established a survey and engineering company named Blanchard & Parrish in the old Exchange Building at the southeast corner of Church Street and Printers Alley in Nashville, TN. The company became Parrish-Ragan in 1969, and eventually became Ragan-Smith-Associates, Inc. in 1971 with Pete Ragan and Sid Smith at the helm. Although leadership has changed throughout the years, preserving the name RaganSmith has afforded us the associated brand recognition of service, trust, and excellence. In 1987, Transportation Engineering was added with Land Planning and Landscape Architecture added in 1989, ultimately leading to the full comprehensive line-up of services that we offer today.
our history

To top it all off.
RaganSmith has always promoted a culture where people are encouraged to pursue their passion and become leaders in their technical field. Our leadership team embraces this passion, commitment to our clients, investment in our communities, and responsibility to our RaganSmith family.
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” – Harvey S. Firestone
our leadership

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Tap to learn more about Alan
Tap to learn more about Brett
Tap to learn more about Scott
Tap to learn more about Brad
Tap to learn more about Wes
Tap to learn more about Scotty
Tap to learn more about Colin
Tap to learn more about Kevin
Tap to learn more about Kevin
Tap to learn more about Kenny