Brett Smith
Vice President

Brett joined RaganSmith in 1994.
He holds a BS in Landscape Architecture
from Auburn University.
Brett, a Landscape Architect and Certified Planner, has crafted a career in master planning, park design, and site development. Since joining RaganSmith in 1994, he has been the recipient of the Tennessee American Society of Landscape Architecture Merit Award for the master plan of Nashville’s Centennial Park and has been active in various organizations including the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council, ASLA, APA, and ULI. Brett also has a passion for the 4:13 STRONG ministry, and he often volunteers to support their meaningful efforts.
When he is not leading our LA Group or attending a Planning Commission meeting, he is usually looking to buy a Jeep, working on an old Jeep, or slowly turning his Chevy Tahoe into a Jeep, one part at a time. Brett is an Auburn grad and is quick to let you know it. If you happen to be visiting our office and hear a loud “War Eagle” from across the building, you’ll know who it is.
Little Known Fact
Just after his newborn physical, Emory Hospital in Atlanta took Brett to his new parents in a Christmas stocking. He's been delivering Christmas joy ever since.


Pray as if everything depends on God; work as if everything depends on you."
key projects