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Welcome Our Newest Associates

Oct 31, 2023

We are proud to announce nine new RaganSmith Associates! 

As a thriving and growing company, we are committed to providing opportunity, career, and leadership paths for our people. Each of these new Associates, as well as current leaders, have distiguished themselves as committed, talented, and relied upon role models within and outside our organization. This achievement acknowledges and encourages their continued growth and leadership moving forward. 


The Associate title recognizes professional skills, communication ability, client engagement, leadership, passion, a willingness to serve others, and commitment to the company. RaganSmith’s newest Associates are:


Mickey Dobson, PE
Commercial | Nashville

Chris Mabery, PLS, CFS
Survey | Murfreesboro

Brad Brackett, PLA
Landscape Architecture | Chattanooga

Amanda Reed
Survey | Nashville

Josh Hunter, PE
Commercial | Nashville

Victor Morris
Survey | Murfreesboro

Nathan Bird, PE
Civil | Chattanooga




RaganSmith's Senior Associate title recognizes a high level of responsibility, professional skills, communication ability, client engagement, growth in leadership, passion, and a willingness to serve others. Investment in training and professional development will be emphasized for this group. This investment will better position our company to serve our clientele at the highest level. Those moving into the Senior Associate role are:


Jeremiah Heisey, CPA
CFO | Nashville

Lee Schumann, PE
Transportation | Nashville