RaganSmith Announces New Associates
May 24, 2022
RaganSmith recently named 7 new Associates and introduced a new tiered Associate Program to recognize and allow the growth of leadership within the company.
The Associate Program was initially created in 2013 to recognize individuals that exhibit leadership and achievement and have a significant role within the company. RaganSmith’s Associates are seen as team players, mentors, and high achievers who positively influence their colleagues and clients. Since 2013, RaganSmith has grown significantly and embraced a strategic vision that reflects growth and engagement of the company’s staff. As part of that strategic plan, RaganSmith has created a new Associate Program.
Today RaganSmith is recognizing the following individuals for their commitment to learning, growth and leadership.
The Associate title recognizes professional skills, communication ability, client engagement, leadership, passion, a willingness to serve others, and commitment to the company. RaganSmith’s newest Associates are:
Heather Grimes, PLA
Landscape Architecture | Nashville
Mark Merrill
Residential | Nashville
Sam Christman, PE
Residential | Nashville
Laura Jones, PE
Environmental | Nashville
Evan Foster, PE
Commercial | Nashville
Lee Horn, PE
Commercial | Nashville
Jay Easter, PLA, AICP
Landscape Architecture | Nashville
RaganSmith's Senior Associate title recognizes a high level of responsibility, professional skills, communication ability, client engagement, growth in leadership, passion, and a willingness to serve others. Investment in training and professional development will be emphasized for this group. This investment will better position our company to serve our clientele at the highest level. Those moving into the Senior Associate role are:
Brandon Baxter, PE, PTOE
Transportation | Nashville
Wes Magill, PE
Civil | Murfreesboro
Jake Vincent, PE
Residential | Nashville
Matt Lackey, PE
Commercial | Nashville
RaganSmith's Principal Associate title recognizes expertise, responsibility at the corporate level, and professional skills. Our Principal Associates exhibit communication ability, community engagement, leadership, passion for the industry, team building skills, and a willingness to teach others. This position plays an essential role in providing our services at the highest level. Those moving into the Principal Associate role are:
Kenny Freer, PE, CPESC
CEI | Chattanooga
Kevin Guenther, PLA, LEED AP
Landscape Architecture | Murfreesboro
Kevin Birdwell, PLS
Geospatial/Survey | Nashville
RaganSmith is a Civil Engineering, Survey, Landscape Architecture and Land Planning company that serves both the Public and Private sectors. Their headquarters are based in East Nashville with additional offices in both Murfreesboro and Chattanooga. Started in 1933, the company currently has 150 employees and is one of the fastest growing privately-owned companies of its type in Middle Tennessee. You can see their efforts throughout Middle and East Tennessee, as well as throughout the Southeast. Going into 2022, RaganSmith is committed to creating an environment that allows for growth and success for its employees while continuing to provide superior service to their clients and communities.
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