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Just don't call it a traffic circle.

RaganSmith was selected by the Hamilton County Engineering Department to provide prime contract management, surveying, engineering design, and utility coordination services for the Ooltewah-Georgetown at Mountain View Road Roundabout project. This intersection had a history of high crash rates with many injury-related crashes and a fatality in 2009. RaganSmith reviewed the crash history, identified the critical crash rate, and worked with the TDOT Local Programs office and Hamilton County to go back to the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency and TDOT for additional federal funding for the safety-related project (100% federal funding). 



The roundabout design provides increased safety performance with anticipated reduction in fatalities, injury crashes, and overall crashes. It also effectively decreases travel speeds throughout the roundabout influence area. Lower speeds provide for safer crossings and larger, more usable gaps in traffic flow for both vehicular and non-vehicular users.